четвер, 31 березня 2016 р.

Day 11

Whaz up, men?
found a supervideo
really useful for teachers
some simple
but really thought-provoking supervideo
u want to know what? watch it

середа, 30 березня 2016 р.

Day 10

How are you, guys?)
I hope well)
i'm sure all teachers remember their first year of work
this dreadful time
how can we make it easier?
this article knows! so u should click HERE and read it)


вівторок, 29 березня 2016 р.

Day 9

Dear beloved)
So, Great teachers)
they go above and beyond to ensure that each child is successful. Many of us have had that one teacher that inspired us more than any other. Great teachers are able to bring the best out of every student. They are often energetic, fun, and seemingly always at the top of their game. Their students look forward to coming to their class each day. When they are promoted to the next grade, they are sad that they are leaving, but armed with the skills necessary to be successful.
HERE is a really interesting super video about...
Fifteen Exceptional Things that Great Teachers Do
Are u interested? I hope yes. 
See u later)

неділя, 27 березня 2016 р.

Day 8

my best teachers,
today i want to talk about taugh students
'cause it's not a problem to work with good students, only with taugh ones
so, here

Headteacher Richard Boyle, who featured in Channel 4 documentary The Last Chance School, on why students in special schools are misunderstood
It was either teaching or working down the pit. My granddad, who was a miner, threatened to break my legs if I followed in his footsteps. My mum wasn’t too happy about it either. So from the age of about 15 or 16 I set my sights on becoming a teacher. I wanted to work with the difficult kids, so after finishing university, I got a job at a big comprehensive in Oxfordshire, working in the special educational needs department and teaching history. I flitted between the two roles until eventually they put me in charge of year 11. Those were the kids that caused a lot of problems and were difficult to work with, but I loved it. I had a good rapport with them. I then got a job at a nearby special school.
Find the whole article HERE


субота, 26 березня 2016 р.

Day 7

do some kids drive you crazy? 'cause i have some tough children
what can we, techers, do in such situation
Every teacher remembers his or her first "tough kid" experience
Maybe the student ignored your directions or laughed at your attempts to utilize the classroom discipline steps
We all have at least one story to share, and for some teachers, teaching a tough kid is a daily challenge
It seems that no matter what teaching techniques you try to pull out of your educator hat, nothing changes their behavior

Listen to Josh Work:
I've had the privilege of teaching some tough kids. I say "privilege" for a reason. Teaching these students pushed me to be a better educator and a more compassionate person. I've detailed below five methods that have reduced misbehavior in my classroom and, better still, helped transform these students into leaders among their peers.
The whole atricle you can find HERE

You're welcome

пʼятниця, 25 березня 2016 р.

Day 6

how are my best teachers? Good?
then we can move on
I made a good number of blunders my first year teaching that still make me cringeI learned though. And it's fair to say, when it comes to managing a classroom, most of what we learn as new teachers is trial by fireIt's also smart to heed the advice of those who have walked -- and stumbled -- before youIf you are struggling with discipline, here are five tips that you can start using right away



четвер, 24 березня 2016 р.

Day 5

my dear teachers
as I've promised you
here is an useful article for you
‘Be picky’ and 24 other great tips for teachers on how to manage a classroom                                      CLICK HERE
I wish you a lot of enthusiasm for your work)

середа, 23 березня 2016 р.

Day 4

my dears)
our topic for today: how to be a good teacher???????
so, my congratulation to those of you who are teachers or want to become a teacher
'cause I start the whole series of useful tips for teachers)
found a great video
watch it

Enjoy being a teacher) Bye)

вівторок, 22 березня 2016 р.

Day 3

Hi everyone,
just found a video that you MUST SEE
Seth Godin is the real Genius
You want to know why? watch this super video

Now, you already know how to get your ideas to spread
But you also should know how to put all you extraordinary ideas  into an attractive shape!

it is already too much information for one day
so Bye!

понеділок, 21 березня 2016 р.

Day 2

Hi guys,
so, when we have some good thoughts, and want to share them with other people, what can we do?
We can record a podcast) If this word is unknown for you, you don't need to guess, 'cause podcast is a multimedia digital file made available on the Internet for downloading to a portable media player or computer)
Well, don't waste your time, start watching this super video, and record your own podcast)
Have a nice day and a nice podcast) Aloha)

неділя, 20 березня 2016 р.

Day 1

Hi everyone,
welcome to my new blog!
Studying English with all possible modern technologies... What can be more interesting and exciting? So, let's start)
Here's the first video about prezi presentation and how to create one. Why is it useful? You will understand once you watch this super video.

I hope you enjoy it) Good luck) See you later)