неділя, 10 квітня 2016 р.

Day 21


we've already learnt some theory about ICT
it's time to do some practice

here is a list of apss, programmes, and other useful gizmos

Creative ideas for using ICT in English - an annotated hotlist

This would be a cool idea for a tutorial activity both face to face and online. It  would be even more powerful if students participated in two reflective activities - doing a SWOT analysis to analyse how people think it could work with school-age students and a discussion of variations and alternative ideas for using ICT for the same task.
A YouTube video which uses TPack to explain how technology can support learners. Simple and neat and uses a few neat tools. Its handy as a stimulus for thinking outside the box and for sparking that creative idea to look for other tools or to think about tools you already know in new ways.
Ziptales is an online reading website developed in New Zealand for students who are in the early stages of independent reading. There are over 150 stories on the Ziptales website with more being added each year. These provide high quality, multimedia literacy materials which are very engaging for students. This website can be easily integrated into the class teaching and learning program.  Paper about their use on ACCE website

Web 2.0 tools

This is a good collection of practical ideas for helping students with varying abilities in one classroom develop analytic text skills and to use what they have learned to construct similar stories - examples using interactive cartoons site, collaborative story boards  and some language tools. Well worth a look to spark new ideas for your students.
 NATE Collection of ideas from UK National Association for English teachers, Excellent case studies and resources. Neat small enough collection to explore and build ideas for yourself. Very practical. 
Prezi - a great non-linear presentation tool. A free version. Looks very exciting as a good alternative to linear powerpoints. Really worth playing with.
Edmodo - a great web 2.0 secure place for teachers and students to work in real time online using a range of social networking like tools designed though, for education. Great teacher management side. Recommended in some of the national packages developed by The Learning Federation for this project.
Animoto - very easy to use site which enable you to combine photos and videos to soundtracks with transitions and then republish on the web in multiple places. You can also use your online collections  in social media sites as sources of images. Recommended in some of the national packages developed by The Learning Federation for this project.
Glogster - development of online multimedia posters with text, photos, videos, graphics, sounds, drawing and data attachments. There is an edu space. The examples developed by young people on this site are beautiful and haunting. Amazing creativity.  The educational community and resources on the site are excellent.  A Basic version for a single teacher and up to 50 students is free. The differences in packages available is clearly described on the site.
Wix - free flash website builder - looks very nice and easy to drag and drop media into a simple flash empowered site - try this one. Used by USQ art in Education staff.
Weebly - a pretty useful looking free web site tool with reasonably sophisticated features but an easy start off. All free and some great support and ideas available. Hosting as well.
Go Animate  - used in some USQ courses by staff and students to develop animations from text and to develop other animations. Quite easy and able to be used simply and in more sophisticated ways.

 Great hotlists for literacy tools and ideas

Early childhood hotlists in Literacy ( and maths and other areas) from Tania Hunt , Bellbridge Primary school NSW. Promoted on oz-teachers.
Kathy Schrock's Guides for Educators. Kathy Schrock, a strong ISTE advocate and champion for helping teachers use ICT in education, has been developing a web site over many years. Cross curricula and general resources are also worth trolling.
 List of web tools. This is a practical but comprehensive list of tools - all with short annotations. Skim  through and pick out a couple to investigate for your purposes. Check out the Top ten from this creative and sharing UK teacher.
Teacher challenge series with info about free web tools for educators, good short desccriptiosn and examples. Terrific resource for all subject areas.

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