пʼятниця, 8 квітня 2016 р.

Day 19

out next topic is usage of ICT in English classrom)
don't worry if u don't know what it is
Wiki prompts that 

Information and communications technology (ICT) is an extended term for information technology (IT) which stresses the role of unified communications[1] and the integration of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless signals), computers as well as necessary enterprise softwaremiddleware, storage, and audio-visual systems, which enable users to access, store, transmit, and manipulate information

Now, ICT (Information and Communication Technology) has been used in almost all fields of life, including in education. In education, computer technology has become so essential that the government put ICT as one of the curriculum in Indonesia’s education. The utilization of ICT in education has recently started to appeal the potential and significant progress in language learning. It has become a major issue in education world and has been used from preschool through to university that could facilitate students and teacher in teaching and learning process. ICT has been publicized as potentially powerful enabling tools for educational change and reform. The computers play significant role in the learning process especially in learning language. As Hartoyo (2008) stated in his book, a computer is a tool and medium that facilitates people in learning a language, although the effectiveness of learning depends totally on the users. The technology in this era has been grown up not only from the quality but also the efficiency. They are moving fast without any limit from every product. The need of technological innovation has brought the communication revolution and rapid development of technological application in teaching and learning. This technology made contribution on improving language communication in Indonesia. Every school has used the ICT to facilitate the teacher to teach the students in the classroom. Many kinds of application that they use in the classroom improved and enhanced the better lesson.

HERE u can find an interesting presentation about ICT, usage, advantages and disadvantages, prompts)

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