середа, 4 травня 2016 р.

Day 45

 we continue our theme TRAVELS
here u have an interestion worksheet with useful vocabulary

Once the menus have rotated right round the class or the sheets of paper are full of complaints tell the students to stop writing and model the final part of the activity - the roleplay. Pick up one menu (Travel Service Complaint Menu) and address a pair of students saying

STUDENT A(CUSTOMER COMPLAINER): Good day, may I see the complaints menu.....

STUDENT B(TRAVEL SERVICE): Certainly here you are..........

STUDENT A(CUSTOMER COMPLAINER): Yes, well first I'd like to complain about your guide.....he was very impolite......

STUDENT B(TRAVEL SERVICE): Well,.....I'm sorry but he is new.....

STUDENT A(CUSTOMER COMPLAINER): Secondly, I'd like to complain about the bus..it was too old.........

STUDENT B(TRAVEL SERVICE): Yes..but you chose the cheap tour...etc.

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