субота, 21 травня 2016 р.

Day 62

Hello my dears)

I have been leading this blog for two months and now, my exams are about to start(

so, I have to spend more time with books

but I promise I'll be back in June

пʼятниця, 20 травня 2016 р.

Day 61


I know adults are waiting for interesting material for them

Vocabulary:______Find the "odd one out"
 There may be more than one answer. Give your reasons.

so, here you are

a consultant

a surgeon

a doctor

to wound

to damage

to injure

a waiting list

an appointment

a consultation

to cure

to treat

to heal

to admit

to discharge

to transfer

a wheelchair

a bed

a trolley

a zimmer-frame

a walking stick





Text for dictation:
In major emergencies such as road traffic accidents, most people in Britain are treated under the National Health Service, known asthe NHS. If you are badly injured, you will be taken by ambulance to Accident and Emergency.
Once any bleeding has been stemmed, you will be x-rayed to see if you have broken any bones. If you have fractured your femur orpatellayou may be operated on by an orthopaedic surgeon fairly quickly. If you have done serious damage to your pelvis, you may need to be transferred to a large city hospital where surgeons specialize in complex fractures and pelvic reconstruction. Many unlucky motorcyclists require specialist surgery and often their legs are put in traction until they enter the operating theatre.
Soon after the operation, the patient is usually introduced to the physiotherapist. Some patients are put on a special machine which gently moves their knee and hip joints. If progress is maintained, they will be mobilized - moved from bed to wheelchair and then tozimmer-frame or crutches. When they are walking on crutches, they will be taught how to climb steps. Providing their surgical wounds have healed and once they are no longer in pain, they can look forward to their discharge from hospital.

Dialogue:______read aloud in pairs

A: Would you ever consider taking out private health insurance?

B: I think it's a very sensible idea!

A: But you are already paying for the NHS through national insurance. Why should you have to insure yourself twice?

B: That's a very good question. The reality is that the NHS covers people in
major emergencies, but the service is under too much pressure to give adequate support.

A: Can you be a bit more specific?

B: Certainly. There're thousands of people who are in great pain. Some are
waiting for minor surgery while others are waiting for treatment at pain control clinics.

A: But under the patients' charter, hospitals are meant to treat you within a certain time.

B: Well, you know how they get round that one. They make you wait for months
before they put you on the waiting list.

A: I don't think it's as bad as you make outAccording to government

statistics, waiting lists are coming down.

B: That may be true for certain operations such as hernias where you're
sometimes in and out of hospital within a day. They rush you through the system
because they're short of beds. Then they hand you over to some elderly relative with a
weak heart and expect them to look after you. They call it "care in the community".

A: But there're lots of back up departments such as Social Services and Occupational Therapy.

B: Have you ever tried contacting these departments and filling in their forms?
Getting them to take quick action is virtually impossible.

Discussion questions:______ask and answer
1. "Governments should provide a first class National Health Service for
everybody so that nobody would want to pay for private treatment."

2. "Most nurses are overworked and underpaid." Do you agree?

3. "People who have damaged their health through smoking or drinking
should be at the back of the queue for expensive treatments."

4. Do people have the right to smoke when children in the same house
or colleagues in the same office have to inhale the smoke?

5. "Everybody should be compulsorily tested for HIV to allow the
authorities to monitor and counter the spread of AIDS."

6. "Alternative therapies should be recognised and licenced under the NHS
to include (a) acupuncture (b) homeopathy (c) aromatherapy & massage
(d) meditation (e) yoga (f) hypnosis and (g) faith healing."

7. "Western doctors prescribe drugs and medicines too freely since they
do not have time to treat patients as individuals." Do you agree?
Do you think other systems such as Chinese Medicine are any better?

четвер, 19 травня 2016 р.

Day 60

Hi lads,

To be healthy you need to eat healthy food.

So, a bit of this topic.

Healthy eating is simple. Here you get the TED event speech how to make it easy.

And few necessary phrases concerning food.

  • to be full up: to eat to the point that you can no longer eat any more
  • to be starving hungry: an exaggerated way of saying you are very hungry
  • to bolt something down: to eat something very quickly
  • to be dying of hunger: an exaggerated way of saying you are hungry
  • to eat a balanced diet: to eat the correct types and amounts of food
  • to eat like a horse: to eat a lot
  • to follow a recipe: to cook a meal using instructions
  • to foot the bill: to pay the bill
  • a fussy eater: somebody who has their own very high standards about what to eat
  • to grab a bite to eat: to eat something quickly (when you’re in a rush)
  • to have a sweet tooth: to enjoy sugary food
  • home-cooked food: food cooked at home from individual ingredients
  • the main meal:  the most important meal of the day, usually eaten in the evening
  • to make your mouth water: to make you feel very hungry for something
  • to play with your food: to push food around the plate to avoid eating it
  • processed food: commercially prepared food bought for convenience
  • a quick snack: to eat a small amount of food between meals
  • a ready meal: see ‘processed food’
  • a slap up meal: a large meal
  • to spoil your appetite: to est something that will stop you feeling hungry when it’s meal-time.
  • a take away: a cooked meal prepared in a restaurant and eaten at home
  • to tuck into: to eat something with pleasure
  • to wine and dine: to entertain someone by treating them to food and drink
  • to work up an appetite: to do physical work that leads to you becoming hungry

середа, 18 травня 2016 р.

Day 59


nice video to watch

andddd..... one more

Conversation Questions

A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.
  • Are you a member of a health spa or gym?
  • Are you afraid of needles?
  • Are you healthy?
  • Are your parents healthy?
  • Do think that you need to lose weight?
  • Do you always eat healthy food?
  • Do you bruise easily?
  • Do you catch a cold more than once a year?
  • Do you consider alcohol a drug?
  • Do you drink a lot?
  • Do you eat a lot of vegetables?
  • Do you eat lots of fruit?
  • Do you eat vegetables every day?
  • Do you ever get headaches?
    • Do you know anyone who suffers from migraine headaches?
  • Do you ever read magazines or news articles about health? If yes, what subject(s) do you find the most interesting?
  • Do you exercise?
    • What kind of exercise do you do?
    • How often do you exercise?
  • Do you go for regular medical check-ups?
  • Do you go to the dentist's twice a year?
  • Do you have a lot of stress?
  • Do you normally go one doctor in particular or any available doctor?
  • Do you have any allergies?
  • Do you have any scars?
    • Where are they?
    • Would you like to show them to the class?
  • Do you know anyone who suffers from backaches?
  • Do you know anyone with false teeth?
  • Do you often eat fast food?
  • Do you smoke?
    • If so, do you smoke more than two cigarettes a day?
    • Do you think smoking is not bad for your health?
  • Do you take medicine when you are sick?
  • Do you take vitamins or mineral supplements?
  • Do you take vitamins?
  • Do you think it is unhealthy to keep a cat in your home?
  • Do you think nuclear power is safe?
  • Do you think pets are good for a person's health
  • Do you think that the tobacco companies should be held reasonably responsible for a person's addiction to nicotine?
  • Do you think you are overweight?
  • Do you think you will live until a ripe old age? Why or why not?
  • Do you think you would be a good surgeon? Why or why not?
  • Do you use an alarm clock to wake up?
  • Do you usually get enough sleep?
  • Do you watch your weight? What foods do you think are healthy?
  • Have you ever been hospitalized?
    • (Have you ever been in the hospital?)
  • Have you ever been to an acupuncturist? What do you think of acupuncture?
  • Have you ever broken a bone?
  • Have you ever burned yourself with hot water?
  • Have you ever donated blood?
  • Have you ever gotten a black eye?
  • Have you ever had braces on your teeth?
  • Have you ever had stitches?
  • Have you ever sprained your ankle?
  • Have you ever taken a sleeping pill to get to sleep?
  • How can you reduce stress in your life?
  • How have you been feeling lately?
  • How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
  • How many hours of sleep do you usually get?
  • How often do you eat junk food?
    • What kinds of junk food do you eat?
  • How often do you exercise?
  • How often do you get a cold?
    • (How often do you catch a cold?)
  • How often do you get sick in one year?
  • How often do you go to the doctor's?
  • How often is garbage collected in your neighborhood?
  • How would you recommend treating a cold?
  • If a company sells the public a product they know to be harmful or addictive, should they be held responsible for the use of that product even if the government approves it?
  • If you smoke, how old were you when you started smoking?
  • If you were President of Korea, what would you do to improve Koreans' health?
  • Should smoking in restaurants be banned?
  • What are some things people can do to keep healthy?
  • What are some things that cause stress?
  • What are some ways to deal with stress?
  • What are some ways you know that you can personally keep yourself healthy?
  • What disease frightens you the most? Why?
  • What do you do to stay healthy?
    • (What are some things you do to keep healthy?)
  • What do you do, if you can't get to sleep?
  • What do you think about abortion? Why do some people support it and others are against it?
  • What do you think about getting old?
  • What do you think is the most serious health problem in Korea?
  • What do you think of cosmetic surgery? Do you know anyone who has had cosmetic surgery? Would you ever consider having cosmetic surgery?
  • What drinks to you think are healthy? What drinks do you think are unhealthy?
  • What foods to you think are healthy? What foods do you think are unhealthy?
  • What is the best way to find a doctor, if you're new in the area?
  • What is the best way to stop smoking?
  • What is the most horrible accident you have ever had?
  • What is the average age of people in your country
  • What kind of pollution is the most risky?
  • What time did you go to bed when you were a child?
  • What's the best way to stop smoking?
  • What's the highest temperature you've ever had?
  • What's your blood type?
  • When did you last take a bath?
  • When was the last time you went to a dentist?
  • When was the last time you went to a doctor?
  • When was the last time you went to a hospital?
  • When was the last time you were sick?
  • When you were in high school, how many days of school did you miss each year because of sickness?
  • Who do you think is responsible for the care of your health--you yourself, your parents, or your doctor and medical people?
  • Who is the healthiest person in your family? Who is the least healthy?
  • Why do people smoke?
  • Would you consider donating your organs after your death?
  • What is the health service like in your country?
  • What do you think of the health service in this country?
  • How can the health service be improved?
  • Have you been to hospital since you arrived here?
  • What do you know about the SARS virus?
    • What do you know about AIDS?
    • What do you know about the common cold?
  • What is alternative medicine?
    • Have you ever practiced alternative medicine?
  • What treatments or remedies do you follow when you have a cold?
  • which kind of medicine do you prefer to take when you are sick?
  • How often do you clean your bathroom?
  • Do you clean as often as your parent cleaned when you were a child?
  • Which parent did/does most of the cleaning in your household?
  • How old were you when you had start helping with the dishes/laundry/vacuuming/dusting/?
  • Were the chores divided equally between men and women?
  • Do people in your country usually wear deodorant?
  • How often do people in your country shower?
  • Have you ever ended a relationship because your partner cleaned too much or too little?
  • Have you ever ended a relationship because your partner had bad hygiene?
  • Do you enjoy cleaning? Which kind of cleaning do you enjoy most?
  • How often do you brush your teeth?
  • Have you ever swept something under the rug?
  • Do you use strong cleaners like bleach and ammonia?
  • Have you ever bought a miracle cleaner from a TV infomercial?
  • What's the best way to get stains out?
  • What alternative health therapies do you know about?
  • Have you ever tried any alternative health therapies?
  • Do you think traditional medicine is a good alternative to modern medicine?
  • In what circumstances should traditional or alternative medicine be used?
  • Do you think traditional therapies are compatible with modern medicine? Why or why not?
  • What are the advantages or disadvantages of modern medicine?
  • What are the advantages or disadvantages of traditional medicine?
  • What do you complain of?
  • What is wrong with you?
  • Have you any appetite?
  • How long have you been ill?
  • Have you any pain the back of your head?
  • How long has it been since you began to feel bad?
  • Have you a bitter taste in your mouth?
  • Do you feel nauseous?
  • Do you sleep well?
  • Is it hard to swallow?
  • Do we need to eat as much junk food as we do?
  • Have you ever realized during a dream that it is a dream; and have you then been able to change events in that dream?
  • Do you think the government is doing all it can to prevent disease?
  • What do you think of wellness institutions and their programs?
  • How do you deal with stress?

вівторок, 17 травня 2016 р.

Day 58


we've already learnt how to talk about sport, anf we know sport vocabulary

let's start new topic
it's gonna be HEALTH

Health problems crossword puzzle.

Health problems word search

понеділок, 16 травня 2016 р.

Day 57

Hey =)

Monday is a hard day =))))

Here you have a bit more words on this topic:

  • applause
  • beginner
  • centre-forward (football: striker)
  • champion
  • championship
  • competition
  • contestant
  • defeat
  • defender
  • disqualify
  • entry
  • fee
  • fan
  • final
  • finish
  • finish
  • line
  • football
  • field
  • forward (football: striker)
  • free kick
  • free ticket
  • game, match
  • goal
  • goalkeeper
  • golf course
  • gymnasium
  • Olympic Games
  • On your marks, get set, go!
  • Penalty
  • player
  • pool
  • prize
  • prize
  • Ready, steady, go!
  • record (world record)
  • referee, umpire
  • result
  • rider
  • rule
  • score
  • set
  • spectator
  • sportsman (pl. sportsmen)
  • sportwoman (pl. sportswomen)
  • stadium
  • start
  • stopwatch
  • success
  • supporter
  • ticket
  • to beat (a team)
  • to commit a foul
  • to lose
  • to take a break
  • to take part
  • to take place
  • to win
  • to win a medal
  • tournament
  • track
  • trainer, coach
  • trainers
  • victory
  • whistle
  • winner
  • world record

And a small game to consolidate our knowledge:

About This Game

  • The vowels (a, e, i, o, u) have been removed from these words.
  • Try to guess what each word is, then click the answer button to see the answer.
  • Each time you load this quiz 15 words are randomly chosen from the 30 word vocabulary list and then shuffled.

The Game

  1. t _ b l _      t _ n n _ s    
  2. r _ g b y              
  3. s c _ b _      d _ v _ n g    
  4. s _ c c _ r    
  5. s q _ _ s h         
  6. p _ r _      g l _ d _ n g    
  7. f _ _ t b _ l l    
  8. h _ r s _      r _ c _ n g    
  9. t r _ c k      _ n d      f _ _ l d    
  10. j _ g g _ n g    
  11. h _ n g      g l _ d _ n g    
  12. h _ n d b _ l l         
  13. c _ r      r _ c _ n g    
  14. v _ l l _ y b _ l l         
  15. s k _ _ n g    

And some fun. Propose to watch 10 best goals ever ;)
Take your time =)

неділя, 15 травня 2016 р.

Day 56


James really knows how to talk about sport

Vocabulary:______Find the "odd one out"

 There may be more than one answer. Give your reasons.

a game

a sport

a match




a competition

a contest

an event

the Test Match

the FA Cup Final

the World Cup

a crew

a side

a team

to lose a game

to miss a game

to win a game







Text for dictation:
There are several different categories of sports which exercise both the body and mind.
Altitude sports include gliding, hang-gliding, mountaineering and parachuting. They are not for people who are afraid of heights.
Athletics includes track and field events involving running, jumping, vaulting and throwing. A standard track is a circuit of 400 metres. The field is the green area in the middle.
Combat games consist of boxing, fencing, judo, karate, kendo and wrestling.
Court games attract people of all ages. They include badminton, basketball, handballnetball, pelota, squash, table tennis, tennisand volleyball. The courts are rectangular.
Equestrian sports, usually for people rich enough to own horses, include dressageeventing, horse racing, polo and show jumping. Many people enjoy betting on the horses.
Field sports require a large area of green. They include American footballbaseballbowls, cricket, croquet. golf, hockey, lacrosse, rugby football and soccer.
Gymnasium sports consist of weightlifting and gymnastics. The latter contains floor exercises including leaps, spins, balances andtumbles as well as fixed apparatus such as rings, bars, beams, pommel horses and vaulting horses.
Other categories of sport are (1) target (2) water (3) wheeled and (4) winter sports. Can you provide examples of sports in each of these categories?

Dialogue:______read aloud in pairs
A: Do you think it's possible to keep politics out of sport?

B: Not at national or international level.

A: Why not?

B: Well, we can hardly keep politics out of the Eurovision song contest. How are
we meant to keep it out of football, which has a far greater following?

A: I'd certainly agree if you're thinking of the World Cup. Success in such a
major tournament seems to produce a feel-good factor which benefits ruling political
parties. Failure produces the opposite effect.

B: Also, the very act of hosting the World Cup or the Olympics gives a great
boost to tourism because of all the spectators who come to watch their country and the
opportunities to present favourable images to the media. Look how everybody wanted the 2012 Olympics!

A: Yet, there are surely some features of these events that are above politics.
What about the power of the athletes and the artistic beauty of the synchronised swimmers?

B: But why play the gold medalists' national anthems and why wear stars and
stripes on your swimming costumes?

A: A good advertisement for your country is better than one promoting cigarettes or soft drinks.

B: But both have nothing to do with sport.

A: I think you're being too sceptical. Sporting greats such as Pelé and Mohamed Ali
are remembered for their skill, not for their nationality or any product they happened to promote.

B: That might have been the case once, but you forget that mega-stars like Pelé
and Ali were the products. They could pull crowds and make vast sums of money. In Ali's case,
he put a little known African country on the map, highlighted the causes of the draft-dodgers
and Black Muslims and rescued hostages. What could be more political than that?
If you need a more recent example, ask yourself: "What has Mike Tyson done for sport?"

A: He's infuriated women's groups and vegetarian societies. However, Ali
endeared himself to millions of whites and raised the morale of millions of blacks.
You may be right about sport and politics, but it can work both ways.

Discussion questions:______ask and answer
1. Which is more important in sport - winning or taking part? Are you a good loser?

2. Should we always try to keep politics out of sport?

3. What are the most important events in the sporting calendar in your country?
Which of these events do you enjoy most? Why?

4. In Britain, the big events include the Boat Race, the Grand National & the Derby
(horse races), the Five Nations (rugby) the FA Cup Final (football), the Test Match
(cricket) and Wimbledon (tennis). Which of these would you like to see? Why?

5. Is it easy to take part in sport in your country? Which sports do you do and how
often do you take part?

6. Who are your sporting heroes and heroines? Why do you admire them?

7. Should the Olympic Games be held only in Greece or should they change between
different countries? Where would you like to see them held next time?

8. Do you think that boxing is a true sport? Should it be included in the Olympic Games?
Should it be made illegal?

9. Which is your favourite sport to watch and what do you think are the qualities of
a good team or a true champion in that sport?

10. Do people in your country do enough sport or do they prefer to watch TV and play
computer games? How could you encourage lazy people to do more sport?