пʼятниця, 6 травня 2016 р.

Day 47


yes, yes, yes

still TRAVELS 

Role-play Activity:
Now, comes the real focus of the class: a role-play activity to practice booking a room in a hotel. Divide the class into two groups: hotel front desk clerks and hotel guests. The front desk clerks get hotel information cards and a front desk activity sheet, which they have to fill out. The guests get their role-play prompts and their activity sheets, which they have to fill out.
The guests will go from hotel to hotel and book a room in each hotel. As the guests are going around, both guests and front desk clerks are recording information.

Front Desk: Welcome to the Wyatt Hotel. How may I help you?
TravelerI'd like a room please?
Front Desk: Would you like a single or a double?
Traveler: I'd like a double, please?
Front DeskMay I have your name, please?
Traveler: Timothy Findley.
Front Desk: Could you spell that please?
Traveler: F-I-N-D-L-E-Y.
Front DeskHow many are in your party?
Traveler: Just two.
Front Desk: How many nights would you like to stay?
Traveler: Just tonight.
Front Desk: How will you be paying?
Traveler: Is Visa OK?
Front Desk: That'll be fine. Would you like a wake-up call?
Traveler: Yes, I'd like a wake-up call for 6:30. Do you have a pool?
Front desk: Yes, we do. On the 2nd floor. Here's your key. That room 405 on the fourth floor.


Common question about accomodation and hotels.

What type of accommodation is this?Luxury hotel accommodation throughout Spain usually in historic buildings. There are some modern hotels in the group that are usually in areas of great beauty or special interest.
Are bathrooms en-suite? Yes
Do the Paradores have a Restaurant?Yes, with the exception of the Parador at Hondarribia where there is a restaurant nearby. 
Is the accommodation suitable for children?Children are welcome however, the furniture, furnishings and unprotected drops may make them unsuitable for young children. 
How do I make a reservation?Click the link on each Parador page.
Who is my reservation with?We make the reservation in your name with the Parador group using your credit card details to guarantee the reservation. No charge is made on your credit card.
What rates will I pay if I use your company?Exactly the same as the Paradores charge except that one nights accommodation is NOT taken from your card on reservation. We also offer all the promotions and a free booking service with experienced operators available for advice and assistance.
What do you charge for cancellations?Nothing. You only pay the Paradores if you cancel with less than 2 days notice.
How do I cancel?As the reservation is with the Parador group in your name, cancellations must be by you with the Parador concerned. Their telephone number will be on your confirmation email from us. When on the telephone, obtain the name of the person to whom you are speaking and the cancellation number, Record these together with the date and time and keep safely.
Is there is a minimum length of stay?Generally no, however there are a few exceptions at some Paradores. 
Are services charged?Please enquire at each Parador.
Are there parking facilities, if so is there a charge?Depends on the Parador.
Can we hold an option whilst we check flight availability?Yes, usually 24 hours.
How is payment made?On being presented with a bill. Please remember that no money was taken at the time of reservation and the charge for accommodation, food ordered and services used is payable.
What is the method of payment?Euros or major credit card.  Any bank charges are to be paid by the guest.  Personal cheques are not accepted.
How do I guarantee my reservation?By emailing your credit card details to our secure server or, by faxing a signed credit card authority.
Can extra beds be arranged?Yes, depending on the room size.
Do the Paradores have facilities for the disabled?Depends on the Parador. Please visit the page with information for the disabled or contact us.
What is considered a late arrival?After 4pm you must advise the Parador direct.
What is the cancellation policy?The Paradores cancellation policy is : No penalty if cancelled up to 48 hours prior to arrival.
If I need to cancel my reservation what do I do?Advise the Parador directly either by phone, fax or email. All contact details are provided in our confirmation email.
Who are you?We are Parapromotions Ltd. a UK registered limited company and we assist Paradores de Turismo de Espana, S.A. with the promotion of their accommodation in the English speaking market.
Do I need a Passport /ID card or Visa?Please check with your local Embassy or Consulate.  Please ensure documents are valid for the dates of travel.
Are pets allowed?No
Are flights and car hire included?No
How do I contact you?reservations@parapromotions-spain.com
Tel :  + 351 258 820 150         Fax :   + 351 258 828 852

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